DACHS KONDEL INTERNATIONAL S.A.U. (hereinafter Luft) has its registered office at calle Volta dels Garrofers, 69. 08340 de Vilassar de Mar (Barcelona), with VAT number A81146284, and e-mail address, is the owner of this website, regulated by this legal notice.

General conditions of use 


  1. The use of this website attributes the condition of user of the website (hereinafter the User) and implies full and unreserved acceptance of each and every one of the provisions included in this Legal Notice, at the same time the User accesses the website.
  2. The User agrees to use the website, its contents and services in accordance with the law, with this Legal Notice, with the particular conditions of the service certificates and with other notices, regulations of use and instructions made available to the User. To this end, the User must refrain from using any of the services for illicit or prohibited purposes or effects, harmful to the rights and interests of third parties.
  3. The responsibility for the use of the information contained on the website lies with the User. Luft is exempt from any liability for damages of any nature that may arise from the access, collection and use by third parties of the information contained on this website.
  4. Luft provides its services and content on a continuous basis with all the technical means at its disposal to carry out this provision satisfactorily. Luft is not liable for damages of any nature that may arise from the availability and technical continuity of the operation of the website.


  1. The website contains information on the company's activities so that users have as much information as possible.
  2. Luft cannot guarantee that there will be no errors in the access to the website, in its contents or that the contents are completely up to date, unless the necessary efforts are made to avoid and correct them as soon as they are detected. The aim is to keep the information on the website as up to date as possible and, therefore, Luft reserves the right to update the contents of the website and to remove them, and also to limit and prevent access, either temporarily or permanently, without prior notice.
  3. Luft is in no way responsible for any content, information or images that do not originate from the website, nor for any damages that may result from such content, information or images.
  4. Luft is not responsible for the information and concepts that are issued, published or distributed through the website, any other linked website accessed through the company's website via links or any service that is linked or related to this linked website.


  1. Any commercial, informative or publication use in any format (books, catalogs, magazines, CDs, web pages, etc.) of all or part of the contents of this website without the prior written permission of DACHS KONDEL INTERNATIONAL S.A.U. is strictly forbidden. ) of all or part of the contents of this website without the prior written permission of DACHS KONDEL INTERNATIONAL S.A.U., in accordance with the Royal Legislative Decree 1/1996, of 12th April, which approves the revised text of the Intellectual Property Law, being also applicable the international treaties subscribed on the matter.
  2. The use of the images contained therein without the prior written permission of Luft is expressly prohibited. If this is the case, the source of the information or images must always be clearly stated.
  3. In the event that the reproduction of information or the use of images from the website is authorized, this may not be done without mentioning the source of the official website in a very visible place. If the reproduction is made on a website, a link must also be included in the address in the same text.
  4. The trademarks or distinctive signs, logos and, in general, distinctive symbols of any nature that appear on the website are the property of Luft or of their legitimate owners and are protected by the applicable legislation in force.
  5. As for public information, it will be as stipulated in the Transparency Portal.


  1. Users of the transparency portal undertake to always make appropriate and lawful use of the content and services offered, refraining from illegal activities or activities contrary to good faith and public order. In particular, users must avoid any conduct that may violate the principles of equality and non-discrimination, privacy, honor and self-image.
  2. The public information prepared by Luft and that which it has in its possession as a result of its activity or the exercise of its functions, including that provided by other obligated subjects, is collected as content of its TRANSPARENCY PORTAL, in accordance with that established by Law 19/2014, of December 29, on transparency, access to public information and good governance.
    It is the specific responsibility of Luft: 
    – Review the veracity and updating of the information published in the transparency area.
    – Disseminate public information in a truthful and objective manner, so that people can learn about the performance and operation and exercise control over this performance.
    – Ensure that the information is constantly disseminated and updated on an ongoing basis, automatically, indicating, if possible, the date on which it is to be updated again.
    The administrative information provided through this website does not replace the legal publicity of laws, general provisions and acts that must be formally published in the official gazettes, the publication of which is the only instrument that attests to their authenticity and content.
  3. The limits applicable to transparency obligations are the same as those established for the right of access to public information, especially those relating to the protection of personal data. The principle of transparency must be interpreted and applied in all cases in a preferential manner. Any limitation in the application of the principle of transparency must be based on a limit or exception expressly established by a regulation with the rank of law.


  1. According to Law 19/2014, of December 29, on transparency, access to public information and good governance, the subjects obliged to provide public information, such as Luft, have to provide people with access to public information in reusable format, in order to improve transparency, generate value to society and promote interoperability between administrations, within the limits established by the regulations on reuse of public sector information.
  2. Public information may be reused for any lawful purpose, especially the reproduction and dissemination by any means of the data subject to public information and the creation of value-added information products or services based on this data, provided that this does not contradict the license that may be established for a given piece of information, which shall prevail.
    Under the aforementioned legal framework, Luft allows the reuse of public information from its transparency portal, generally authorizing the reproduction, distribution and public communication of documents and their transformation to make derivative works, without any limitation, as long as it does not contradict the basic conditions for the reuse of information:
    1. That the content of the information, including metadata, is not altered.
    2. That the meaning of the information is not distorted.
    3. Always cite the source of the information.
    4. The last update date must be mentioned.
    5. When the information contains personal data, indicate the specific purpose or purposes for which future re-use of the data is possible.
    6. When the information, even if provided in a disassociated form, contains sufficient elements that may allow the identification of the interested parties in the reuse process, the prohibition to reverse the disassociation procedure by adding new data obtained from other sources.
  3. The reuse of public information is free and not subject to restrictions, however, the information may be reused according to one of the following modalities:
    1. Reuse of information subject to the conditions established in standard licenses.
    2. Reuse may be limited by the protection of priority legal rights or assets, such as the protection of personal data, privacy or the intellectual property rights of third parties.
    3. In the case of works protected by intellectual property rights, their reuse may be subject to the use of Creative Commons recognition licenses, which grant certain exploitation rights. In the contents where this type of license is applied, reuse is allowed under the conditions established. More information on creative commons licenses can be found at: In any case, the license will indicate at least the purpose of the reuse, its duration, the obligations of the beneficiary and the granting Administration, the responsibilities of use and the financial modality (free or with cost).